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  • 대한고혈압학회
  • 대한비만연구의사회 정회원


  • Expanding indication: EUS-guided hepaticoduodenostomy for isolated right intrahepatic duct obstruction (with video) Gastrointest Endosc. 2013;78: 374-380
    Se Jeong Park , Jun-Ho Choi, Do Hyun Park, Joon Hyuk Choi, Sang Soo Lee, Dong-Wan Seo, Sung Koo Lee, Myung-Hwan Kim
  • Endoscopic resection as a possible radical treatment for duodenal gangliocytic paraganglioma: a report of four cases Korean J Gastroenterol 2014;63(2):114-119.
    Se Jeong Park , Do Hoon Kim, Hyun Lim, Jeong Hoon Lee, Kee Don Choi, Ho June Song, Gin Hyug Lee, Hwoon Yong Jung, Jin-Ho Kim, Ji Young Park
  • Endoscopic resection for synchronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma in early stage is a possible alternative to surgery.
    Gut Liver. 2015 Jan; 9(1): 59–65.
    Se Jeong Park , Ji Yong Ahn , Hwoon Yong Jung , Shin Na , So Eun Park , Mi Young Kim , Kwi Sook Choi , Jeong Hoon Lee , Do Hoon Kim , Kee Don Choi, Ho June Song , Gin Hyug Lee, Jin Ho Kim, Seungbong Han
  • Endoscopic resection of gastric neoplasm in solid-organ transplant recipients
    Transplantation 97(7):p 781-787, April 15, 2014.
  • Clinical Outcomes Associated with Treatment Modalities for Gastrointestinal Bezoars Gut Liver. 2014 Jul; 8(4): 400–407
  • Gut Liver. 2015 Jan; 9(1): 59–65.
    Endoscopic resection for synchronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma in early stage is a possible alternative to surgery.
    Se Jeong Park 1, Ji Yong Ahn 1, Hwoon Yong Jung 1, Shin Na 1, So Eun Park 1, Mi Young Kim 1, Kwi Sook Choi 1, Jeong Hoon Lee 1, Do Hoon Kim 1, Kee Don Choi 1, Ho June Song 1, Gin Hyug Lee 1, Jin Ho Kim 1, Seungbong Han 2
  • Prognosis of Pregnancy-Associated Gastric Cancer: An Age-, Sex-, and Stage-Matched Case-Control Study
    Gut Liver. 2016 Sep; 10(5): 731–738.
  • Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on reflux esophagitis and GERD symptoms after endoscopic resection of gastric neoplasm: a single-center prospective study
    BMC Gastroenterology volume 20, Article number: 123 (2020)

해외학회 발표

  • (Oral) Clinical outcomes of synchronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma according to method of treatment DDW 2013 , Orlando, USA 2013-5-21
  • (Oral) Expanding indication: EUS-guided hepaticoduodenostomy in isolated right intrahepatic duct obstruction, DDW 2013. Orlando, USA, 2013-5-18 ASGE worldcup winner
  • Clinical outcomes of synchronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma according to the method of treatment APDW 2012, Bangkok, Thailand 2012-12-5
  • Clinical outcomes of synchronous esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma according to the method of treatment , SIDDS 2012, Seoul, Korea, 2012-6-15